Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Best. Husband. Ever.

While I spent the weekend needing Maximum Introvert Time to be sick to my stomach and to mourn, my husband did what wise spouses of Introverts do---he engaged in a project.  We kept apologizing to one another over the course of the weekend.  It was actually a little quirky/humorous in the midst of such a horrible time:

Romeyn: "I'm sorry I'm not around more this weekend, Sweetie.  I know you're going through a rough time."

Amanda: "I'm sorry I'm not up to hanging out this weekend, Honey Bear!  I'm going through a rough time!"

...And on and on it went.  When things had blown over and both of us were infinitely more settled (yesterday), my husband spontaneously suggested he take me out for a date on Thursday.  Without me saying a word, he said exactly what I wanted to hear, again!  :)

I don't say it enough.  I have the perfect husband, especially given my Introvertedness! Thank you, Romeyn.  I appreciate your understanding, patience, hand-holding, love, support, and awesomeness.

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