Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Mild Disappointment, But Not Defeat

I experienced a pretty depressing setback in the whole Zumba Fitness department this week.   I don't have enough people signed up for the second session (starting Oct 28) of my class this Fall 2014 semester.   I have been contacted about potentially cancelling the session.  I am conflicted about it.

I am willing to teach Zumba on a volunteer basis (low enrollment impacts the ability for the non-credit parent organization to pay for my services), but it is disheartening that so few wish to continue with the course.  The feedback I have actually received gave me the impression that my course is enjoyable and very energetic.  The only potential negative feedback I've received to date is that my class starts a bit on the early side (4:15PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays).

I'm open to additional feedback, and I'm not giving up on this dream.  I love to dance, and I love Zumba Fitness.  I may, however, need to consider some changes in my overall approach to the dream. 

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