Monday, October 13, 2014

Beautiful Dreamers

We are on the last day of a conference about music and dance in the Adirondacks.  It's been a wonderful journey of dulcimers, guitar, dance, and song. Everyone here is so open and friendly!  I've had a lovely weekend, and I'm ready to go home.  

You see, as lovely as this experience has been, my inner Introvert is dog-tired and cranky.  Most of my family and friends can easily tell when I've had enough social time and need to go Cave It Up.   However, I'm a bit timid about showing this fact to new acquaintances.  

Sometimes, a well-meaning Extrovert will notice that something is off and get concerned.  I take it as a sign of kindness.  But the extra attention actually achieves the opposite effect of that which was intended...creating a cycle of social attention and Introverted unhappiness. 

Please, never take it personally when an Introvert wants to leave the party.  It's a wonderful party, full of beautiful dreamers.  Your Introvert simply needs to recharge.  

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