Friday, October 31, 2014

And Then There's Halloween

Coworkers in Full Regalia
Traditionally, Halloween is one of those holidays that most Introverts find a little trying.   It is nice to see all of the costumes and the creativity, but imagine for a moment all of the door-bell ringing, knocking, and otherwise unplanned little bouts of social interaction involved in trick-or-treating.  It's enough to drive a sane Introvert to distraction.   So I always have a game plan.  Last year, it was to make the most of the technology in our family room while waiting for trick-or-treaters to come visiting.  There are plenty of Halloween-appropriate movies that aren't too gory or scary, so I was all set. 

This year, I've invited a friend to come 'round so that we can be Introverted together.  I know that sounds funny.  But sometimes solidarity saves the Social aspect of things.  We can look at all of the funny costumes, give out candy, and absorb the Social together (dividing and conquering!).  Since Romeyn plans to be home as well, and we may or may not have my younger stepson around depending on his plans, the Social aspect might just lose most of its impact altogether!  Everyone involved in this plan is good with parallel play (the bastion of Introverted social-time).

Happy Halloween to Everyone!  Enjoy (but don't overdo) your social time tonight.

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