Thursday, October 30, 2014

And Then There's Voting

Today, Potsdam is voting on the potential merger of Potsdam Central Schools with Canton Central Schools.  I personally regard voting as a civic duty.  However, I've never been a big fan of the process by which we vote. 

As an Introvert, the idea of crowding into a little office space or auditorium to stand in line, sign my name, and then vote while someone waits behind or beside me is a terrible one.  No pressure here, Ma'am!  Just vote and be on your way so the rest of us can do it.  By the way, don't mind the crowding.

I'm actually quite ecstatic about the crowding, purely from the standpoint of getting a good turnout on voting days.  However, I'd be happier (and perhaps even vote differently) if I could vote from the comfort of my own home.

Don't forget to vote, Potsdam!

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