Monday, March 16, 2020

Vira, Viruses, or Viri?

I've been negatively affected by the hype surrounding the very real issues of the COVID-19 pandemic.  This is to say that I fully realize that me freaking out is not a big problem in the grand scheme of things.  I am relatively healthy (damn these colds, but otherwise I'm good), my family members are (by and large) in safe-ish places, and we were able to find a nice bit of antibacterial soap over the last few days.  As long as I wash hands and follow general hygiene guidelines, I should be okay.

The issue here (for me, anyway...) is that I have been OCD for a long long long time. hands are chapped/bleeding from all the hand washing, and I haven't had hands this chapped since I was nine years old (the vintage of my OCD diagnosis).  This bothers me for a number of reasons.  It's uncomfortable, I'm going through a ton of band-aids and moisturizers, and the compulsive hand-washing behavior dredges up some of the less-than-savory parts of my mental health history.

I'm freaked out, but if a little trip down bad-memory lane is the worst thing I endure as a part of this pandemic, I should count my blessings.  So many people can say that they had interesting issues as children.  It is not the end of the world for me to feel awkward.

Perspective, perspective, perspective...

Be well, fellow Introverts.

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