Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Indoor Cat: Day Nine

The major project I've spent most of my days on in the past week is coasting towards completion.  I shook things up yesterday afternoon and this afternoon by doing donor research (something that I love doing, but don't always get the opportunity to do).

The cats are finally chilling out--they seem to accept me working in the front room as a given.  One or both of them join me in designated napping spots--out of reach of my workspace, but close enough to insist on cuddles midway through the day.

I napped during lunch today--and lordy did I need it. After settling in to a comfortable napping stance, it seemed like only a few minutes passed prior to my alarm going off.

Work was insanely productive.  I still miss my work people.  I'm an Introvert--but I'm not a complete hermit.  I miss my friend people and my family people and...just...people.

Consider donating to PACES employees.  I'm very very serious.  I donated a bit myself.  Here's the PayPal pool link if you want to donate.  One problem with all online coursework is that the need for catering/dining staff has been cut down by around 80-90% for the semester.  This is a huge issue for people who are dedicated to cooking/baking and vending some of the best food in the SUNY system.

Giving Link:

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