Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Day 1.25 of Being an "Indoor Cat"

Governor Cuomo ordered those in State service who can work at home to work at home starting today.  I actually received medical release to work from home at 2PM on Monday.

My goal (as difficult as it will be) is to stay completely indoors as much as possible during this time.  That means no visiting stores, no picking up food, no outdoor time of any kind.

I'm finding it challenging to work ten feet away from my kitchen.  I have been known to stress-eat, and it's taking a lot of willpower to avoid eating All The Things.

Work itself is relatively unchanged from when I was in the office in person.  I do a lot with data comparisons and reporting--most if not all of this is available online (some things I have to Virtual Private Network in to get access to, but otherwise...no change).

I have started to do Zumba during lunch.  I still have a bunch of Zumba DVDs from my brief stint as an instructor a few years ago.

It is excellent to be Type-A in this situation.  My reliance on routines has kept me a bit saner with all of the strangeness and unpredictability of the current situation.

Be well, fellow Introverts.

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