Sunday, December 14, 2014


The first funeral was beautiful, and as tumultuous as advertised.  I am extremely thankful to my family and our friends for working so hard to provide a fitting service for my grandmother.   Today, we bring my grandmother's green chair home to Potsdam.  It will be bittersweet to use it but it is one of the best ways I know to honor Grandma's memory.   This is the chair she used to perch me in under the "nuclear-strength" reading light in the house in Chillicothe.  This is the chair where my grandfather used to smoke his pipe and watch movies on the VCR with us grand-kids.  This is the chair where my grandmother sat and chatted about current events and precious memories.  I am sorry-grateful to honor her memory in this way.  I am thankful-sorry for the chance to read in the green chair under the nuclear-strength light and remember my grandparents and all the times we shared.

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