Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Memory Book

One of my tasks this week is to put together a memory book and a slide show, both of which are to be at the second funeral for Grandma this coming weekend in Ohio.  I'm not going to lie--this is sad work.  It is a labor of love, and the photos of Grandma looking so incredibly happy with Popie are the ones that really get me nostalgic.  I'm to work on it during lunch today and then after work.   I've been working on it before work too.  It has to be done today, otherwise it might not be ready for this weekend.  As it stands, we're looking at ordering the book and sending it to ourselves at the B&B near the church and the funeral home.  How do you encompass memories everyone has of a woman who took the world by storm in an era where feminism was brand new?  Carefully, lovingly, and with a gentle touch.

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