Thursday, December 11, 2014

Mourning Strategy: Do What Makes You Happy

My mother is one of the smartest people that I know.   She's a believer in self-care, especially when one is juggling many responsibilities while dealing with the Big Moments in life.   Today, she told me that she decorated the house for Christmas after having determined that: 1. She didn't have to do it; and 2. It would really make her happy.  This is an awesome strategy for muddling through stress and sadness. 

Quite frankly, it's a beautiful strategy in general.  Most of us seek balance of one kind or another in our lives.   We seek experiences and activities that light us up inside and out.  When we feel low it is tempting to neglect ourselves.  However, these are the most important times in which to practice kindness to ourselves and others.

Cooking, reading, and volunteerism light me up from the inside out.  I was tempted to postpone a Lions-Club related meeting today, but at the last minute it made the most sense to keep the plan.   Volunteerism of any kind makes me happy.  1. I didn't have to do it.  2. It really made me happy.

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