Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Reclaiming the Telephone

As an introvert, the "subtle" ring of a telephone usually inspires dread.   Oh goodness---there's an unexpected person!  It creates quite the challenge as I fight my natural urge to resent the unexpected person on the other end of the line.   I've been known to plan out phone-calls, texts and even emails in advance.

Lately, I have been working on increasing my telephonic exposure.  I don't want to be That Introvert---the eccentric hermit that people avoid out of habit.  I've increased my phonecalls to others and my plans to have phonecalls in general.  It's especially helpful for new friendships and old family relationships. 

The comfort zone of the telephone is minimal at best, but there are perks to this type of conversation---for example, I find it is easier to gauge the tone, content, and intent of the communication on the phone.  It's easier to remember elements of a conversation and note things that are important to the person in question.  I believe we should reclaim the telephone---as introverts, it is an important tool to invite others into our sphere of existence.

1 comment:

  1. I am so bad with the phone. I love to hear from my friends, but I get so nervous about picking up the phone and dialing - I'm always afraid to bother people. I even get that way about calling my sister.
