Thursday, July 6, 2017

Day Six of Nine: There's Paint, And Then There's Paint

I completed a portrait of the Best Cat (Tobey the Wondercat) today.  It is destined for my mother's house.  Before you rail at me for ruining the surprise, please note that I already had sent a photo of the completed project to my mother (minus some minor cosmetic changes and my initials in the corner) at around 4PM today.

Tobey was this amazing creature who could sulk at you and still inspire great loving gestures from all of the humans in his life.  He died recently.  Like most of the recent departures in my life, it was due to cancer.  I am a part of Relay for Life every year as a result of the continued impact of cancer on my loved ones, near and far and large and small.

On a completely separate note, I have received my starter kit for Avon.  I'm now a representative for the "other" type of paint.  I figured it out recently--I order from Avon near-monthly, I should be an online representative at the very least.  My mother in law and sister in law have been looking through the sample case that arrived by post and the brochures for the most current "campaign" (16, ends around 7/17/17).  The samples are wonderful.  I splurged on the most expansive set of samples and full sizes due to my own druthers (if I'm going to try this, might as well exploit the discount I receive and maximize my own benefit).

If you're actually interested, the site is:  Yes, I will deliver to you.

I am the lady of paints.  I don't particularly care how that sentence is interpreted, because I love dealing in both makeup and paint.

Be well, fellow Introverts.

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