Thursday, September 17, 2015

Think and Chew

"Cogitate and ruminate." - Piers Anthony

Piers Anthony was one of my favorite authors when I was in my early teens.  The stories are incredibly intelligent, a bit bawdy, and wonderfully well-written.  The quote that sticks with me to this day is "Cogitate and ruminate." (Think and chew!)

One of my favorite pastimes is to wander through streets and/or forests, checking things out, thinking and chewing (gum).  It is the most restorative form of Introvert Time for me.   I've been known to walk miles...close to ten miles at a stretch in some cases.  It allows the self-absorption of ruminating on everything in my life at one particular moment.   The steady pace is similar to meditation.   Tangents and cotangents are as welcome as is thinking about nothing at all.

My mother was the one who got me started with this pastime.  It feeds curiosity, creativity, and of course, the need for movement and exercise.  Be well, fellow Introverts.

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