Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Restorative Powers of Silence

Introversion is a wonderful thing, and it's certainly not a "license to offend." (Sometimes, I am met with incredulous and even offended responses to the revelation that I am Introverted---really, truly, almost completely 100% Introverted.)  With me, you can truly rest assured that "it's not you, it's me." It's not antipathy towards other human beings.  It's the need for calm, quiet times of introspection and rest.  Sometimes, these periods of rest and quiet lead to whole hours of no talking--to the point of being surprised by my own voice when I finally break the precious silence.

Books and art are a staple of this existence.  I'm a little excited because during the wonderful trip with my Wedding Girls (Sara, Rita, and Alexis), I found a very very flat rock upon which to paint things.  Rita started recommending a few books (we have some similar tastes so I'm always open to her reading selections!).  Sara unlocked and spurred on the canoeing activities (water, introspection, yippee!).  Alexis got knitty with it (hee hee).  So--this Introvert had a lot of fun with like-minded peeps.  Who'd'a'thunk-it?  Well, everyone who knows how special my Friends are knows that they are super-Introvert-friendly and fun to be with...but that's besides the point.

This week has already been very crazy.  The return to work was nice, but then I was called in for an extended jury selection process.  Yikes!  The fun continues...good thing I've got my book.

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