Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Commencing Countdown...Engines On!

On Sunday, I tearfully watched my oldest stepson enter the world of Being a College Graduate.   It has been a wonderful experience to be a stepmother to such accomplished and motivated boys!   It will continue to be awesome (and also, an exercise in letting go, watching them thrive).

It's been incredibly busy over the past few days.  Some highlights, in no particular order:  Having the Whole Blend over for cupcakes to celebrate my incredibly talented and frightfully intelligent older stepson; Lion Donna and King Lion Gene arranging for a rendition of "Happy Birthday To You" at our meeting last night; running around like a crazy-person for the Radio Days fundraiser (see the pen/door story below); swimming in my final Deep Water Exercise class for at least a while (my back's doing much better!); and tons and tons of reading.

Side Note (Pen/Door Story): I managed to hit myself in the face with the glass part of the car door yesterday.  This was not my finest hour!  I'm endlessly amused at how ridiculous the whole scenario sounds:  A pen exploded all over my hands and the steering wheel, and then I managed to hit myself with the darn door (in the eye, and I'm lucky I didn't do more than give myself a shiner). 

Right now, I'm sitting with my kitties and enjoying the quiet of mid-morning.   Introvert Time each morning has been keeping me relatively normal and healthy (I'm hardly an NT personality, so "normal" is definitely relative).   In a few days' time, I will see my girls (Alexis, Sara, and Rita--friends from my very very un-NT youth!), who have graciously agreed that I should have use of lodging arrangements that both preserve the health of my back as well as the general health of their dear friend, The Sociable Introvert.

Be well, fellow Introverts!

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