Thursday, January 22, 2015

Rip-Roarin' Awaaaay...

I kept myself insanely busy this week, even with the holiday.   Between what I like to think of as my "homework" (reading, knitting, cooking) and the activities at work (calculating, reviewing, etc.), this week has been one of the most productive ones in recent memory.  It's great!  Even though the conventional wisdom suggests that keeping busy has the potential to stint imagination, the effect has been to spur creativity to new heights.

Adding to the homework, I am planning to do a diptych (dual set of paintings) showing the molecular structures of estrogen and progesterone.   The background will be a pastel wash, and the structures themselves will be featured as almost three-dimensional (an impact that can be imbued while painting using the right combination of washed out grays and almost fluorescent brights).  Since these hormones have such an amazing impact on my life and the lives of all women, the tribute will not be untoward.

This new project or rather, these new projects--will take some time and energy, but painting is a perfect Introverted activity.  So while expending energy is an ineluctable part of this process, it will be self-sustaining.  Green!  Ha, ha.

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