Saturday, January 24, 2015


Despite incredibly busy and challenging (sometimes upsetting) moments this week, I feel aglow.  Reading and kitty-time have been the staples of my mornings, and exercise/knitting/cooking have been the activities of my nights.  This morning is no exception.  I spent a good, solid two hours next to the fake fire (yes, yes, my neck is red) reading Stephen King and petting my two rambunctious kitty-cats.  All of this is very, very good for your fellow Introvert. 

Any time that stress is most definitely on the horizon, particularly Social-stress, fostering rituals like those listed above help keep an Introvert sane and healthy. 

I LOVE my job, particularly when I'm helping people.  There are times, however, when the crowding inherent in our "busy" seasons (mostly August and January) can get to an Introvert.  Therefore, my morning-ritual preparation for today's help-fest over at SUNY Canton will only help me help others.  See?  One can be both incredibly selfish (I admit it) and selfless (volunteering for these events, as an Introvert, is definitely that) at the same time.

One only has to laugh at one's self from time to time...the little eccentricities and idiosyncratic quirks of personality type are both predictable and acceptable as long as they do not prevent an Introvert from doing good works.  ;-)

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