Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Simplify, Part III

Sometimes, I am told that I am a quiet person.  Now, as an Introvert, it's no secret that quiet-time is WONDERFUL for my mental health and overall sense of well-being.  However, most of the time, I have the capability to be loud, strange, and fun.  Just ask my stepsons...many is the time that they've blinked at me in horror and amusement while I invented new dance steps to peppy classical music or (the absolute horror!!!) pop songs.

In a fabulously globalized and connected world, there are times when it's simply best to keep "Shields at 100%, Captain!" Publicly (specifically in mixed company instead of with close friends), a more subdued (but still open and honest) persona emerges.  Shields are a boon to an Introvert.  It's become so socially acceptable to be in a state of constant and personal offense.  An offended state of mind is very exhausting to maintain, especially for an Introvert.

Triggers abound, trust me.  I've made no secret of the fact that I have PTSD from a time in my life that was very, very, very difficult.  I just don't publicly discuss the details (no one really needs that, and it's my business to discuss).  However, I'm hardly alone in the PTSD boat.  My Introvert Shields help with the challenges associated with sensitivity to triggers, as do the medication and counseling that constitute Part II of my PTSD-related Introvert self-care.

The simplest solution is best for me.  If I am quiet, it doesn't mean I'm offended or even unfriendly.  Sometimes, the shields go up so that I can maintain and thrive in an Extroverted world that has not been and should not be censored for my protection.

Be well, fellow Introverts.

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