Friday, September 30, 2016

Juggling (One-Handed) While Riding a Unicycle, Barefoot

Setting limits is incredibly important for all Introverts.  Setting reasonable limits is crucial for pretty much everyone's health (both physical and mental!).

Limit #1:  I decided to cancel my enrollment in a Meditation class this semester. It was going to meet on Tuesdays each week, and as a Potsdam Lions Club member, that didn't make a lot of sense...Lions Club and Lions Board Meetings are all on Tuesdays...leaving approximately 1-2 Tuesdays of the class per month.

Limit #2: I've made an executive decision to disagree with one of the specialist referrals I've been given by my primary care provider.  Currently, let's see, I've got three active specialists on my medical case in the immediate Potsdam area, one in Canton, and one way out in Malone.  I seriously do not need to add one in Watertown, and certainly not for the reasons given by my care provider.  The Watertown specialist would be nearly the same specialty as the one in Canton.  No.  My bucks stop here (ha, ha).  Seriously, who has the time to do all of this stuff?

Limit #3: I've been very clear with my service club that I am Vice President this year with an eye on being President of the club next year so long as I can get assistance with (and eventually discontinue running) my major fundraisers with the club.  Service to my community is awesome!  Service to my community at the expense of my mental health is not awesome.

Limit #4: Crafts will happen weekly, if not daily.  Crafting is awesome, crafting is everywhere!  And crafting does not have to take much time at all.

Be well, fellow Introverts!

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