Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Remember to Breathe

Cats are fantastic instructors in the art of Self-Care.  Here are a few lessons from Trouble and Pumpkin:

1.  Yawn like you mean it---breathe unabashedly and mightily.
2.  Take the time to stretch, and take your time while stretching.  There is no use in relaxation if you do not make the time to enjoy it.
3. Take frequent naps.
4. Run like the wind, for absolutely no reason at all.
5. Don't stay in the same position all day.  True relaxation takes work, and re-positioning.
6. Take pride in your appearance.  A well-groomed kitty is appreciated by all!
7. When you make a mistake, move on.  Don't obsess.
8. Be observant, but not hyper-vigilant.  After all, it's not every moment of the day that you hear a sudden noise and perk up your ears.
9. Play every day.
10. Take the opportunities when they arise.  Doors don't always open, but when they do, you can get a great new view of the world!

Trouble: "Put the laptop down and pet me."

Pumpkin: "I was sitting on your lap.  Don't get up!"

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