Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Putting Off Needle-Work and Machinery

I drive my doctors a bit batty because I procrastinate with impunity when it comes to the completion of labs and scans.  To say that my medical history is a bit awkward would be like saying that The Golden Gate Bridge is a bit orange.

Some of the more heinous medical issues that I've experienced started between the ages of six and ten.  I have vivid memories of clutching a teddy bear and being promised ice cream if I would just sit still for a moment while being poked, prodded, and drained of small amounts of blood via very large needles.  This happened almost monthly.  Although I'm stoic when I go in to get phlebotomized (blood work) as an adult, it's still reminiscent of a time that is best long forgotten.

This week and next are chock full of medical appointments and testing...and I can't put it off any longer.  It drives *me* a little batty when colleagues wonder why I am so busy all of the time.  Between my medical issues, family obligations, work, and the few moments that I take as mine...very little time is left.  Let me say this once (and hopefully, I won't have to say it often): Relative youth does not equal an unlimited amount of time and energy for volunteerism and favors.  I'm happy to help when I can...but I'm (respectfully) clear about the issue when I'm unable to assist.

Setting limits is important.  Judging another person for setting those limits should not be an acceptable practice.

Be well, fellow Introverts.

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