Thursday, June 30, 2016

Better Home and Garden, and Ram Dass

One of my favorite books of all time is "How Can I Help?" by Ram Dass and Paul Gorman.  It's a bird's eye view of the natures and passions that sway an individual's drive to assist other beings in the world.  The book was given to me by a dear friend during a very difficult time in my life, right before moving home to New York State.

There are so many wonderful points in the book, some more amusing than helpful (ironically).  But the best (and the most memorable to me) was a little allegory about a wise man who refused to wear pants in his hut.  Everyone went to the wise man for assistance because he was so self-assured (and presumably, a sage).  However, his disciples wondered why he refused to wear pants in his hut.  His answer (paraphrased):  'You are in my hut.  My hut serves as my pants.  I am comfortable here as I am, and you have sought me out.'  The moral that I took away from that story was simple--those who are most comfortable with themselves wind up being perceived as wise (with the wherewithal to truly listen to others), and comfort with one's self does mean making others uncomfortable from time to time.

Another moral of that story is that we are in the best place to help others when we have addressed our own needs (Maslow's Hierarchy speaks to that as well).

This week has been about caring for my space, my mind-space, and my restfulness.   I believe this activity has made me a better partner to Romeyn in the process, as well as a better friend, better worker, and better person.

Be well, fellow Introverts.

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