Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Anatomy of a Night

10:00PM: Gone to Bed.
10:15PM: Cats Decide to Nuzzle.
10:30PM: Covers/Sheets Have Somehow Become Tangled.
10:45PM: Husband to Bed.
11:00PM: Husband is Fast Asleep.
11:15PM: Shut Off Super-Bright Kitchen Lights
11:30PM: Shut Off Super-Bright Kitchen Lights, Kick Out Cats, and SHUT DOOR.
11:45PM: Cats Start Breaking Down Door.
12:00AM: Finally Drop to Sleep.
3:15AM: Cat #2 Decides to Battle Himself--Reflection in Sliding Door.
3:30AM: Attempt to Get Back to Sleep After Deterring Cat from Battle.
4:15AM: Give Up and Go to Couch.
4:30AM: Cat #1 Sets Off Alarm on iHome Dock Left Out by Hubby; FULL BLAST.
4:45AM: Cat #2 Jumps on Stomach (20lb Cat).
5:00AM: Human Decides to Get Up and Face the Day On Little Sleep --- For the Second Night in a Row.

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