Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Returning toThe Church

For the first time in over a year, I sat down with a member of the Church and made my confessions, read the Act of Contrition, and followed through with an act of Penance.

Church is an uneasy topic because religious ideologies (or lack thereof) are as dear to our personal makeup as is DNA. There is something to be said for celebrating whatever you believe in the world.  There is so much negativity surrounding this topic that I feel an infusion of positivity might be warranted.

For those of you who are curious, this is what the Church means to me:

* Comfort
* Fellowship
* Art

As Stephen Sondheim once famously wrote for the stage, "Mama they're good, just as you said from the start, children and art." I am a renewed Catholic.  I am not proud nor am I ashamed.  I'm simply happy to be among friends and family in a forum where I can be alone with my God while being a part of something greater than myself.

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