Everyone here is fast asleep. My husband is asleep, the kitties are asleep. Why not me...?
I have a questionable tendency to bring home my daily trials and tribulations. I love what I do...which is why I'm totally obsessed with it. Most people I've met who work with academia are obsessed with it!
Breathe, little Introvert, breathe!
This is the time of year when every last one of us is involved in set-up for the new year in some capacity or another. Deadlines conflict and supersede one another at the most inconvenient times. You learn to roll with it after awhile...find out the priority and divide and conquer.
It does mean that a lot of mini-meetings take place during the day---consultations and debriefings that cannot be avoided. They are good, productive social interactions in short bursts.
Work is not the only reason for my temporary unrest. I was having amazing Introvert Time with kitties, books, and knitting...but my choice of reading material was unfortunate for the timing. One should never read Stephen King directly prior to bedtime!
Now that it is three in the morning, I am using two Introvert Techniques to drop off to sleep:
1. This micro-blog is a good way to blow off a teensy bit of steam. Writing is such an awesome method of decompressing from socially based stressors.
2. I am allowing myself a little smidgeon of extra Introvert time with my books (this time, a more pleasant selection).
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