Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Walk it Off

This week, I've repeatedly walked to work, and then I've gone to the gym to "walk off" my day.   There have been a lot of ups and downs inherent in the events of the past few days, and there will be more to come.

My younger stepson's birthday party went off without a hitch.  The few days after that were a bit rocky due to what we'll delicately refer to as "No Amp Tuesday" (see the prior post about Mourning the Class...there was a mix-up about the equipment but I still had a rough time with no attendees on that day).  My family got to see a side of me that I really don't like very much.  However, since no one is perfect...I'm moving past that.  The rest of the week, I kept calm and carried on with a stiff(er) upper lip.  DOWN...

On Wednesday, I went to work.  I felt about as blase as a person can feel.   DOWN...

On Thursday, I learned that my Zumba class would be reinstated for Spring 2015.  Look out, world!  I'm pretty excited about that.   UP...

Last Friday, I went to the eye doctor who informed me that I need to keep an eye out (ha, ha) for "flashes" and/or an increase in floaters due to my extreme myopia.  I am to go back to the eye doctor immediately if that occurs.  There is some irony...I'm the opposite of myopic when it comes to the figurative use of the term, and yet here we are, with me staring the very real possibility of eventual legal blindness in the face.  On a positive note, I spent some quality face-time with a trusted friend that evening while giving out Halloween candy.  DOWN/UP...

The weekend was fairly calm, which is exactly what I needed.  I cleaned a bit, and took a quick trip to our hardware store with Romeyn for the obligatory "Wait It's Not Christmas Yet!" tree photo.  UP...
"Wasn't Halloween...a minute ago??"

At the start of this week, I got to see my eldest stepson and congratulate him on his recent presentation at SLU (so proud!!).   I also went to dinner with my in-laws to celebrate a few birthdays.  Finally, I've spent the past few days giving presentations myself at SUNY Canton and Paul Smith's College, and I had a wonderful Lion's Club meeting.  UP, UP, AND AWAY WE GO!

So!  It really is no wonder that I've needed a bit of a hike here and there to balance out the roller coaster.  I will make an effort to post more frequently now that things are settling down a bit.  I'm headed to Rochester to see family and an old friend in a few days, and the drive will do wonders for my equilibrium.  Be well, friends...

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