I managed to limp to/from my Lions Club meeting, and in and out of many other meetings this week after getting a (common, and a bit embarrassing) foot injury while practicing my routines. "Ice and elevate, see a doctor if it doesn't improve in a few days." I do believe that this is the first time I've ever read advice on the WebMD website that didn't make me want to run screaming to the nearest ER.
Teaching exercise makes me feel amazing. That said, along with teaching exercise, it's important to model good self-care.
With this in mind, I have temporarily stopped practicing my routines. I've limited my mobility for a few days and I'm currently using my periods of morning solitude as extra ice/elevate time. My inner Introvert is absolutely ecstatic! This is an extra reason to rest up and read my books...
Keep on Introverting!
Listen to your body. You only get two feet.