Saturday, December 6, 2014

Volume, Irony, Laughter

Romeyn and I met up with a friend in Albany last night to go to the Gabriel "Fluffy" Iglesias event at The Palace.  Our plan was to meet up at The City Beer Hall to catch up before the show.  Little did we know that the volume would be so incredible.  The food was excellent and we each sampled a brew, but we actually resorted to texting each other at the table in order to maintain a reasonable level of conversation. Somewhere, my piercingly intelligent sister is twitching (either as she reads this, or for a reason she does not yet know until she does read it...).  Texting at the table does rather give credence to the idea that civilization is crumbling at the feet of Great Technology.  Another might argue that crowded (and thus achingly loud) pubs are also a sign of the end times.

Regardless, we did manage to keep good conversation going despite very loud conditions.

The great irony of the evening is that we (two Introverts and a combination Introvert/Extrovert) had our best social time of the evening during the walk between The City Beer Hall and The Palace.  Normally, taking this sort of stroll between two popular points of interest on a Friday night would be a loud and crowded experience.  The cold and the inclement weather resulted in a leisurely stroll with few passers-by and a bit of Excellent Socialization (rare in the world of the Introvert, especially in public places).

At the tail end of our evening, we saw an amazing show featuring the talents of Gabriel "Fluffy" Iglesias.  We LOVE his jokes about food, weight, and challenging interactions with other people.  We laughed so hard that Romeyn and I (already sick with the annual Potsdam Plague) got a little sicker as a result.  The experience was well worth a little extra discomfort.  At one point, Fluffy actually sang part of "Sweet Caroline" and got the audience to sing along!  Fluffy has adopted the Autism Awareness cause and thus has won even more of my admiration.  I don't say this lightly as I do not like the idea of being a fanatic of anything---but I am a huge fan of Mr. Fluffy.  The next time he's in New York State, I plan to be there, star-struck and idiotic with glee, because he's so darn funny!

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