Wednesday, October 22, 2014


I am in the midst of one of my most social weeks of the year, even rivaling that of Christmas through The New Year.  I won't lie, it is a challenge.  So far, however, I'm loving most of it!

Saturday to Saturday---this is what my week has looked like and will look like going forward:

Last Saturday:  Open House.  Over a hundred students, family members, and coworkers gathered to share the best stuff about SUNY Potsdam.

Sunday: A one-hour workout at Shaul, followed by dinner and a movie with the family and my friend Donna.

Monday: Serious cleaning of the entire house, which involved many small trips to crowded hardware stores.

Tuesday:  My on-duty day (one of two) at work, which involved many financial aid counseling sessions with some of my favorite students.  Right after work, I taught Zumba to a small class for one hour.  Almost directly after that, Romeyn and I headed to The Lions Club for my induction ceremony (which was also a Zone Lions Club meeting as well as a regular Potsdam Lions Club meeting).

Wednesday: My younger stepson's birthday!  This also involves forays into crowded establishments.  There are a few Traditions that we like to keep alive on Kyle's actual birthday each year.

Thursday:  This will be my second of two on-duty days at work this week.   I'll have my Zumba Fitness practice, and then we'll head to an open house for a dual enrollment program that Kyle is attending this year.  Somewhere in there, Romeyn and I will stop for food.

Friday:  My parents arrive!  Yay!!!  Wine, cheese, talking, books, talking, and more talking.  I love my parents.  :)

Saturday:  Kyle's birthday party, the count for which is already at/around ~15+ individuals between my parents, my in laws, us, and Kyle's peeps.  Thereafter, we have the option to go to a show in which one of our family members is a star!  (Yay, Jeannie!)

There is a lot to celebrate this week.  As you can see, this is truly one of my most social weeks of the year.   As a coping mechanism and in preparation for the days to come, I have been taking Introvert Standard Time in the mornings.  I'm mid-way through an Elizabeth George novel, and my kitties couldn't be happier about it!  Lots of lap time helps the Introvert as well as the cats.  Have an excellent week, all! 

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