Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Awkward is As Awkward Does

Sometimes the efficiency in communication that I try to espouse both as an introvert and as a former Westchestarian...backfires.  However, it comes from a good place...a desire to be succinct while helpful.  It's funny to me that I can usually "spot" other Westchestarians on the phone during the business day, simply by listening to the pattern of *ExtremelyFastAndFuriousThoughtsAllAtOnceOKBye!*

This type of communication is desirable to me as an introvert.  It's quick, to the point, and maximizes the directness of the interchange.  It is, however, not that desirable to those who wish to engage in extended pleasantries.

I mean no offense in regards to pleasantries!  They are worthwhile in that they build least at first.  However, sometimes this type of small talk makes the small hairs on the back of my neck stand straight up.  I just can't get out of there fast enough!  I hear a lot about weather, and I hear a lot of inquiries about how I'm doing that aren't really sincere inquiries...they're societal rituals.

Am I alone in feeling this way? Probably not.  But I really can't get a good sense of when to Small Talk, when to Engage in Pleasantries, and when to be Open.  I'm fairly certain that Being Open is not compatible with Small Talk.  And so the dance continues.

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