At quarter til nine this morning, I started a five-hour scavenger hunt for the original book "The Ring" by Koji Suzuki. I had thought that "S:ES" was the entire Ring Trilogy since the e-book was titled "S:ES (Ring Trilogy)" but I was wrong. I read the entire book "S:ES" and found out afterwards that this is one of the many sequels (trilogy, hmmm...maybe not a trilogy per se).
The author's style is simple on the surface, but wildly complex as you get to know each and every character in his stories. He forges connections between stories in the expert way that a knitter casts off thread.
I started (as one might) at the Potsdam Public Library. There was no copy to be borrowed, so I went downstairs to the Saturday Morning Book Sale. Although I found treasures (always...awesome sale every Saturday), there was no Koji Suzuki to be had.
From there, I went to Thriftique. Once again, many pretty books..but no Koji Suzuki.
I decided to try my luck in Massena. I drove up to the Saint Lawrence Centre and walked the mall, looking for a book shop. No luck. I wound up browsing books across the complex at Ollie's. There was no Koji Suzuki.
I drove back to Potsdam and visited the Clarkson Bookstore. There was no Koji Suzuki. I had the same luck at Best Friends thrift shop.
Finally, I visited the Birchbark Bookstore. I love this bookstore, and of course I didn't leave empty-handed. However, once again I had no luck locating Koji Suzuki.
After five hours of searching, I gave up and ordered the book on Amazon. I am supremely disappointed that I wasn't able to purchase this from a brick and mortar book shop. I am also disappointed in the book's lack of presence in the e-book market.
However, I will still read the book with relish when it arrives on Tuesday.
Be well, fellow Introverts.