Saturday, September 21, 2019

Potsdam Walk I

My walk today was a jaunt northbound and eastbound on May Rd (from May and Leroy).  I then took a left onto Pleasant Valley Rd, headed south, and then took a left back into town on Route 56.

The highs:  This walk has idyllic views of some beautiful countryside in Potsdam.  One can relax and enjoy the light scent of pine about half of the way on May Rd.  With the exception of Route 56, the road is relatively empty at around nine in the morning.  Only one passerby in a vehicle was particularly rude (honked at me just for walking at the side of the road…whatever).  There were a few other runners/walkers on May and Pleasant Valley roads.

The lows: Unfortunately, people seem litter-happy on the entirety of this route.  Here is a small selection of disturbing things I saw at the side of the road during my walk:  Grocery bags full of detritus and tied (no idea what’s in them and kind of scared to find out), a butter knife, a pile of long human hair, a single latex glove, several small items of clothing, and a random piece of metal pipe.

Rating this walk on a scale of 1 (bad) to 10 (awesome), I’d have to rate it at a 6.  It was good!  It would have been better if we took better care of our local roads in Potsdam.

Time: 2 hours and 30 minutes
Length: 9 miles
Difficulty: Middle to high—there are a few hills and it does get a little dull and significantly louder/hotter on Route 56.