Monday, July 10, 2017

Day Nine of Nine Was Just Fine

I often wonder how anyone manages to stay relaxed after a vacation.  Yesterday, I had my feet up and my book out.  I finished a few more projects around the house and I did the shopping for the week.

I returned today with an inbox of 176 messages, a project left on my chair and another one in the works.  Last night, I woke in the middle of the night in the middle of a panic attack--night-sweats, palpitations, pain--the works.

I'm not complaining--my body is malfunctioning, which I already knew prior to my vacation.  I just need to regain that sense of Zen and move forward with the good work that I actually do enjoy (contrary to what may be believed...).


Saturday, July 8, 2017

Day Eight of Nine: Homestead

Today, I completed several projects around the house. Two kitties pitched in where they could (or at least successfully distracted their human).  I am blissed out on Home.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Day Seven of Nine: (Insert DS9 Reference Here)

It is my last day at camp for this trip, and I am fairly relaxed.   I'm planning on going home after dinner this evening.  I'm leaving two days in advance of Kyle and Romeyn so that I can get settled in, do the cleaning, the grocery shopping, and spend some time with the kitties before the work week.

Romeyn and I are getting a few things set up at our lawyer's office today.  I'm not a huge fan of thinking about the worst case scenario, but it is necessary to plan just in case.  We are making sure that our wills are up to date, et cetera.

It is a gorgeous day outside.  Here's hoping for a nice boat ride later this afternoon!

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Day Six of Nine: There's Paint, And Then There's Paint

I completed a portrait of the Best Cat (Tobey the Wondercat) today.  It is destined for my mother's house.  Before you rail at me for ruining the surprise, please note that I already had sent a photo of the completed project to my mother (minus some minor cosmetic changes and my initials in the corner) at around 4PM today.

Tobey was this amazing creature who could sulk at you and still inspire great loving gestures from all of the humans in his life.  He died recently.  Like most of the recent departures in my life, it was due to cancer.  I am a part of Relay for Life every year as a result of the continued impact of cancer on my loved ones, near and far and large and small.

On a completely separate note, I have received my starter kit for Avon.  I'm now a representative for the "other" type of paint.  I figured it out recently--I order from Avon near-monthly, I should be an online representative at the very least.  My mother in law and sister in law have been looking through the sample case that arrived by post and the brochures for the most current "campaign" (16, ends around 7/17/17).  The samples are wonderful.  I splurged on the most expansive set of samples and full sizes due to my own druthers (if I'm going to try this, might as well exploit the discount I receive and maximize my own benefit).

If you're actually interested, the site is:  Yes, I will deliver to you.

I am the lady of paints.  I don't particularly care how that sentence is interpreted, because I love dealing in both makeup and paint.

Be well, fellow Introverts.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Day Five of Nine: Party Like a Prescott

As an Introvert, it is difficult sometimes to mingle with others (even in familial situations).

Tonight was a singularly memorable party at Diana and Greg's house out on what can only be referred to as a Prescott estate (parsed out over time to joint usage, but historically kept in the family).  We ate excellent food and chatted with people who weren't just interested in discussion of the weather.  They were fascinating!

It wasn't a distinct lack of small talk that made my evening so wonderful.  It was, in fact, a complete and utter absence of small talk!  

I mingled with impunity.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Day Four of Nine: The Long Dark Search for Seltzer

Romeyn and I are huge consumers of seltzer.  Yes, yes--it's bad for your teeth over a long enough timeline of heavy consumption.  We are not bathing in it...we just like the taste (and for zero calories, we'll take it).

My mother in law and I did some laundry up at the house while my father in law and Romeyn checked out the newest malfunction in my poor beleaguered station wagon ("Millie" for "The Millennium Falcon").  Meanwhile, I went on several unfruitful forays (Seltzer-Seeking) into town on foot, hoping madly to run into that coveted beastie, the multi-pack of seltzer.

During these forays, I learned several interesting things:
1. Pepsi now has a "fireball" flavor variant.
2. Fanta comes in a blue "berry" flavor of which I was previously unaware.
3. Vendors are particularly personable on major holidays.  I'd imagine that having a customer come in breaks up the monotony of being alone behind the till when other stores are closed.

Eventually, I gave up and settled upon a mass-purchase of individually sold bottles of Perrier.  Now, back to my quiet day of reading by the lake...

Monday, July 3, 2017

Day Three of Nine: The Long Walk

Port Douglass Road is a winding thoroughfare with many houses dotted along the sidelines.  Walking its entire length from camp to town and then from town to camp is one of the joys of my summer.  Eight miles and three albums of walking music later, my feet are sore but my watch is very happy (1,030 calories out of a 500 calorie activity goal for today).

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Day Two of Nine: Don't Panic, Sleep

I awoke at 3AM with heart pounding, unable to calm down.  I read a little and attempted to slow my breathing, to no avail.   At 3:30, I sat downstairs listening to the waves.  At 3:45, I finally gave up and tried my new on the spot panic attack medicine.  Almost eight hours later, I woke from the most restful sleep I have had in weeks.  Well played, modern medicine.  Well played.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Day One of Nine: Lake Champlain

The quiet, steady susurrating waves of Lake Champlain are our welcoming committee to Camp.  A delicate scent tinges them - the bouquet of lake life (both flora and fauna).

I've brought my ukulele and myriads of art supplies.  Today is Canada Day, and nature has decided to celebrate with additional rumblings of thunder and flashes of light.

I am grateful for the moment.  I am here with the waves.  I am celebrating with the thunder.  I am present at Camp.