Several months ago, I was given priceless advice by a friend and colleague regarding the Best Fit for My Personality. This advice allowed me the peace and tranquility to seek promotion in a new line of work. The job is perfect for me, and I seem to be perfect for it. I am being paid more to do a job that suits my particular character (and particularly my modes of communication).
The transition to a new position was smooth, but as with all changes it caused a bit of Introvert-related pain. My meticulous routine underwent an overhaul. Of course, this was only one factor among several that impacted the Great Routine:
* Transition To New Job
* Renovation/Repair to Home
* A Few Personal Challenges I Won't List Here
In order to compensate, I found time to go to the gym early in the morning prior to the start of my new work-day. I initially kept to the same lunch schedule because it was familiar (although unnecessary). I kept two journals simultaneously--one for Depressing Stuff and one for Aspirations. I chewed a lot (and I do mean a LOT) of sugar-free gum, which aids digestion as well as thought processes. (Please reference my Think and Chew post from last month.)
Now that the dust has settled a bit, I am focusing on how grateful I am to be here doing something that I love. My home looks beautiful and comfortable, and I continue to journal about things that were, as well as things to come.
Be well, fellow Introverts.